
Largest tank battle ever
Largest tank battle ever

This was because it was covered by the Ardennes Forrest, which the French believed would function as an effective natural barrier. But, the French-Belgian border was far less heavily fortified.

largest tank battle ever

As previously noted, the Maginot Line had prevented any major German offensive maneuvering in the west up to this point in the war. Most importantly, however, Belgium held the key to Germany's strategic ambitions in France. Moreover, it saw the then-largest tank battle in history with the Battle of Hannut. Much like in the Netherlands, it exemplified the Germans' usage of Blitzkrieg tactics. The invasion of Belgium was the longest of the three military operations, with it taking about two and a half weeks. This was followed by the joint invasions of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg on May 10. Nonetheless, fighting eventually resumed on April 9, 1940, when Germany attacked Denmark and Norway. This " Phoney War" happened for several reasons, perhaps the most important of which was the Maginot Line, a series of obstacles, weapon installations, and fortifications on the French border. However, a roughly half-a-year period followed in which little fighting occurred. A combination of Blitzkrieg tactics and the Polish Army being spread too thin meant that the battle was over in about a month, with the Nazis and Soviets then jointly occupying the country. This was followed by the Soviet Union (USSR) also invading Poland on September 17. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, marking the beginning of the Second World War.

largest tank battle ever

Vehicles pass over a bridge constructed by German Army engineers crossing the Vistula River near Bydgoszcz, Poland. Background German army invades of Poland.

Largest tank battle ever